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A Mindful way Through Menopause
Welcome to the Course. Start Here.
Welcome Video (10 minute Video)
Introduction and Materials for the course
Zoom link for Monthly Meet up LIVE (First Monday of the month)
Course Guide and Manual (Session 1)
Session 1 - Stress and the Breath
Session 1: Stress and the Breath (45 minute Video)
S.T.O.P. practice (2 minute Downloadable Audio)
Belly Breathing Practice (1 minute Downloadable Audio)
Body Scan Meditation (20 minute Downloadable Audio)
The Dance (Poem)
Week 1 Practices
Session 2 - Focus and Perception
Session 2: Focus and Perception (35 minute Video)
Session 2 Course Manual
5 Senses Practice (3 minute Downloadable Audio)
4 Step Awareness (20 minute Downloadable Audio)
Letting Go (Poem)
Week 2 Practices
Session 3 - Difficult Emotions
Session 3: Difficult Emotions (45 minute Video)
Session 3 Course Manual
R.A.I.N. Practice (3 minute Downloadable Audio)
This is a moment of Stress (1 minute Downloadable Audio)
Labelling Emotions Meditation (20 minute Downloadable Audio)
The Guest House (Poem)
Week 3 Practices
Mindful Eating Instructions PDF
Session 4 - Negative Thoughts
Week 4: Negative Thoughts (45 minute Video)
Session 4 Course Manual
Questioning Stressful Thoughts (3 minute Downloadable Audio)
Gratitude Practice (4 minute Downloadable Audio)
Mindfulness of Thoughts Meditation (20 minute Downloadable Audio)
The New Philosophy (Poem)
Week 4 Practices
End of Course
The End...and the Beginning!
Joy in Life
Bonus Material :)
Sleep Meditation (5 minute Downloadable Audio)
Guide to a Natural way to Balance Hormones in Menopause
120 Great Date ideas
Information about the 8-week Mindfulness course
Mindful Eating Instructions PDF
Click under the PDF to download the instructions
Mindful Eating.pdf
Mindful Eating.pdf
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